NU published the Honours 1st Year Result 2024 on 3rd April 2024. This year, the passing rate is 83%. By seeing the passing rate, we can assume that most of the candidates have been promoted to second year. NU Result 1st Year Honours can be checked from here. National University authority has released the nu ac bd Result Honours via nu ac bd/results. See your Honours Result 1st Year. Also collect the marksheet.
You will see all subjects’ letter grades in the marksheet. If you have knowledge about the grading system of National University, then you can evaluate your obtained GPA. Check results from here rather than wondering here and there. This is the first-year result for the Honours 2021-22 session candidates. The exam was held between October to November 2023. Over 04 lakh candidates have appeared in the exam. Today these first-year final exam candidates are going to know their results.
Honours 1st Year Result
Honours 1st Year Result Published Date: 3 April 2024
The candidates of first year have waited a long time for this result. After the exam was ended, the candidates were waiting for the results. But there was no news about the Honours 1st Year Exam Result. However, finally the result is published today. Though it has been late, candidates are happy they can at least know their achieved GPA in the first year exam.
See the exam information:
- Exam Started: 16 October 2023
- Exam ended: 28 November 2023
- Total subjects of Honours exam: 31
- Exam Result published: 3rd April 2024
- Honours 1st Year Passing Rate: 83%
Students from 330 colleges have participated in the first-year exam 2023. The students from 2021-22 session are getting results now. The method for checking the result is given below.
NU Result 1st Year 2024
NU 1st Year Result 2024 is here. Students, I hope you can understand the methods that are mentioned here. For your convenience, both Online method and the SMS method are described here for the candidates who are seeking for results.
What are the result-checking methods-
Online Method: It is the most popular method among the candidates. This is because the students can check results as well as download the marksheet.
SMS Method: It is like an alternative method to check NU Result 1st Year Honours. Whenever the results are published, you can know the results easily by this SMS method. You just have to send one SMS from your mobile.

Check Honours Result 1st Year Online
Honours Result 1st Year Online means the result can be checked from the online portal. National University has several result-publishing websites. I am showing about the most useful one. I hope this guide will help you to find out your results easily.
To check your results-
- Here is the result link given, go to this result page to find your result-
- There, select the exam name- Honours and Year- 1st year
- Then enter the required information; roll number & registration number
- Recheck if the information are correct
- Then submit it to view your result
Note: If you see this result page is busy or not working then you can go to another result portal where you can find your result. You can go to portal to see your Honours 1st Year Marksheet.
nu ac bd Result Honours
Students, in the above passage, I have shown how to see the results from the official website nu ac bd/results. But there is another result page- results. You should also learn about this result portal since the results websites become overloaded on the result publishing day.
Learn the result checking method-2:
- At first, go to the NU Latest Published Result portal-
- There you just have to select your exam name and enter your registration number
- Enter the correct registration number in the empty box and then submit
The result checking system is almost same as the previous one. You will see your Honours markheet there. You will see the National University Honours 1st Year Result grades.
Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2024
Do you want to know your obtained GPA? Your online marksheet will not contain your total GPA. You will see all subjects’ letter grade but the total GPA will not be shown. To assume the total GPA, you have to understand the grading system of NU.
If you have proper knowledge about the NU CGPA Calculator then it will be easy for you to evaluate your obtained GPA. You will see all subjects’ grades and then calculate those grades with the right formula and your achieved GPA will be in front of you. You will several articles about the NU CGPA calculator, just search once. But before that, you have to collect your Honours 1st Year Exam Result marksheet. Download it and keep it on your device.
Honours 1st Year Result SMS System
NU Result 1st Year Honours has been published. Most of the candidates go for the online system. But you should also get knowledge about the SMS system. It is useful and provides result fasters.
Follow the SMS method to know your result-
- Go for new message and follow the SMS format
- The format is- NU <space> H1 <space> Your Registration Number
- Example: NU H1 125963254
You have to send this SMS to 16222 and then wait for a while for response. Before you send the message, make sure that you have typed the accurate short code and registration number. If you make any mistake then your result will not come.
Apply for Board Challenge
The Board Challenge is available for the Honours 1st Year Result 2024. If you are not promoted or failed in any subject then you can apply. The board challenge fee has to be paid. There is timeframe for the board challenge. A notice will be published from NU about the challenge process and payment. Keep your eye on this webpage for the notice.
FAQs About the Honours 1st Year Result
Q. Is Honours 1st Year Result available online?
Ans: Yes, you can check result online.
Q. What information do I need to provide to check the result?
Ans: You have to provide your roll number, registration number, and exam year.
Q. What do I do if I am not satisfied with the result?
Ans: You can apply for the board challenge.
Q. When the board challenge will be started?
Ans: Soon.
Q. Can I download the marksheet from online?
Ans: Yes, you can download the online marksheet from the result portal.